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Staging Your Space

    When staging your space for imaging we request setting up your space EXACTLY how you want it to be imaged.  From pillow fluffing to lighting be sure to have your space ready for your 3D Imaging Specialist.  Also keep in mind all interior doors will remain open during the imaging process for a smooth transitioning 3D showcase experience.  Please use door stops where needed.  It is imperative that objects not be moved during the 3D imaging session; objects being moved in between shots could lead to blurred images. 

    We will also perform a walk through of your space upon arrival to your site to finalize exactly what will be imaged, ensure the space is as presentable as possible, discuss room labels, Mattertags and provide you a final price before imaging.  Please check out some of our tips below!



We LOVE pets! But unfortunately they need to stay with a friend or family member offsite, or in areas that are out of view from imaging. If you can't find a sitter moving your pets to different rooms in between shots can fully be accommodated.


Make your space ready for action!  Setting places at dining tables, writing welcome notes on whiteboards, putting out glasses at the bar and exposing key elements of your space are a great way to make your space stick out to audiences!


Organization is key to making a space look clean, inviting and larger.  Any unsightly or personal items you don't want to be exposed should be hidden in drawers, unexposed closet areas, cabinets or offsite for a superior showcase.  We also recommend unplugging exposed electrical cords when feasible.

Our 3D virtual tours are in 4K resolution allowing you to see little bit of everything.  Vacuuming, mopping and surface cleaning go a long way!  That is why we recommend a thorough cleaning of your space beforehand for that gleaming, fresh appearance for your showcase!  


A well-illuminated space provides a geniune ambience to your showcase.  We request that you turn on all lighting you want exposed and set dimmers to the desired level before our arrival.  Our Matterport camera is well equipped to ensure that even low light conditions also appear in immense quality.


To ensure a streamlined 3D showcase without blurring we recommend turning off any screens that constantly change what they display, including TVs and computers.  However, displaying just one picture on a screen can add a nice artistic effect to your space.


Before your imaging session we recommend notifying all occupants that areas may be temporarily inaccessible during imaging.  When feasible we request having as few people as possible in your home/business to reduce imaging time, and streamline all shots.  This will help reduce objects being moved around and the chance of someone accidentally walking in on imaging.


Be sure to know exactly what you want imaged in your home or business upon our arrival so we can provide a solid price structure, and avoid the need for us to re-visit the site and charge additional fees.  This also includes any exterior shots you may be interested in.

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